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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1380
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2022 .15 .6595
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15،
number In Volume 10،
issue Number 80
A Study of Masnavi Thought Style, Analysis of the Diplopia (Cross-eyed) in Masnavi Ma’navi
Masumeh Habibvand , Mohammad Sadegh Tafazzoli (Author in Charge), Hojjatollah Gh Moniri
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This study focuses on Analysis of the Diplopia (Cross-eyed) in Masnavi Manavi.The presented subject has been detected poetic of works of Rumy to present the symbolic meanings and concepts of this term to the reader in order to discover the meaning of some of his verses and writings. Ahvaliat means “diplopia” “visual impairment” But in Rumi"s words, according to the context of the anecdote, it finds a special meaning and concept; And this causes the word to be different and to be interpreted in a special way.
METHODOLOGY: This research is based on analytical-descriptive method and has been done by using library resources. Research field is Rumi"s poems: Masnavi Manavi.
FINDINGS: In Rumi"s words, "Ahvaliat" does not mean a body malformation, but has a meaning beyond the maim and is used in its esoteric meaning. So, in the way Rumi consider things and his lexicon There are various types of misunderstanding and intellectual distortion arising from evilness such as: anger, lust, nervousness, domineering Imagination and egoism, etc., which prevent man from understanding the proper action and truth.
CONCLUSION: the results that have been detected from this research is that Rumi used some of the physical defects and imperfections of the body in another meaning and concept, namely, moral defects and sensual morbid. These meanings are different according to the context of the anecdote (symbolic) narratives. According to Rumi, it makes it difficult for its owner to distinguish right from wrong, to the point that it sometimes leads him to the wrong path. Rumi - of course - by explaining the types of conditions, has shown the method of treatment to humans.
, Cross-eyed
, Masnavi Ma’navi
, Rumi
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